Attività di Placement del Master
Servizi di Placement presenti
- Sportello dedicato
- Opportunità internazionali
- Stesura CV
- Individuazione aziende per stage
- Seminari di orientamento
The Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations (MAPCD) is the first, at European level, to combine four different fields of study: Public Diplomacy and International Relations; Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy for the global reputation of Countries and Cities; Global Communication for the engagement of worldwide audiences; Business Diplomacy.Studying Public and Cultural Diplomacy means understanding the increasing role of non-State actors in international affairs, as well as the strategic influence of the cultures and digital media in foreign policy. The Master welcomes students with a background in international relations, economics, law and humanities, who have a marked interest in international political and cultural dynamics and wish to learn within an international environment with talented students coming from all over the world. Professional or semi-professional experience in cultural and diplomatic Institutions are very welcome.
"Citizens of the World" to create bridges across cultures for dialogue and peace building
The Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations (MAPCD) is the first, at European level, to combine four different fields of study: Public Diplomacy and International Relations; Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy for the global reputation of Countries and Cities; Global Communication for the engagement of worldwide audiences; Business Diplomacy.
Studying Public and Cultural Diplomacy means understanding the increasing role of non-State actors in international affairs, as well as the strategic influence of the cultures and digital media in foreign policy.
The Master’s ambition and goal is to train not only skilled professionals with multidisciplinary competences for the challenging scenarios we are facing today, but most of all, “Citizens of the World” with a vision and a commitment to create bridges across cultures for dialogue and peace building.
Professional outcomes
Students who have completed the Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations are now working in different countries within various institutions and organizations:
Learning objectives
The Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations (MAPCD) is the first, at the European level, to combine four different fields of study:
Studying Public and Cultural Diplomacy means understanding the increasing role of non-State actors in international affairs, as well as the strategic influence of the arts and digital media in foreign policy.
The Master’s ambition and goal is to train not only skilled professionals with multidisciplinary competences for the challenging scenarios we are facing today, but most of all, “Citizens of the World” with a vision and a commitment to create bridges across cultures for dialogue and peace building.
Structure of the Master
The Program consists of 3 teaching modules, each including different subjects and lectures from top scholars and professionals, related to the main theme.
Each module includes visits to Embassies, International institutions, and a project work.
Assessment and Diploma
1st level Specializing Master’s Degree issued by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italian Law D.M. 509/99) will be granted at the end of the Master’s course upon achievement of 60 ECTS credits, gained through the attendance to all the Master activities and positive evaluations. All the Master’s activities (exams, internship, project work) must be carried out.
Entry requirements
Servizi di Placement presenti
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Il Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations (MAPCD), offerto dall'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, rappresenta un percorso formativo unico in Europa, finalizzato a combinare quattro ambiti di studio cruciali: Diplomazia Pubblica e Relazioni Internazionali, Soft Power e Diplomazia Culturale per la reputazione globale di Paesi e Città, Comunicazione Globale per il coinvolgimento di audience internazionali, e Diplomazia d'Impresa.
Attraverso il MAPCD, gli studenti apprendono l'importanza crescente degli attori non statali negli affari internazionali, così come l’influenza strategica delle culture e dei media digitali nella politica estera. Il programma intende formare professionisti multidisciplinari adatti a scenari globali complessi, ma soprattutto Cittadini del Mondo dedicati alla costruzione di ponti tra diverse culture per il dialogo e la pace.
Il corso si articola in 3 moduli didattici, include visite a Ambasciate, Istituzioni Internazionali e prevede un lavoro di progetto. Al termine saranno rilasciati 60 crediti ECTS e un Diploma di Master di I livello dall’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
I requisiti includono una Laurea, competenza in lingua inglese e forte motivazione. Sono benvenute esperienze professionali o semi-professionali in istituzioni culturali e diplomatiche. Il costo del master è di 10.000 € esente IVA, con possibilità di ottenere borse di studio.