Master - Università LUM - LUM School of Management - Italia - Lombardia N° Studenti: < 5.000


In Lombardia troviamo numerose Università e Business School. Esistono master per laureati in qualsiasi ambito (economico, marketing e finanza, umanistico, linguistico e sanitario). Innumerevoli master anche nel settore della Moda, fashion design, arte e comunicazione. Ottime opportunità professionali per i profili in uscita.

  • Scuola: LUM School of Management

  • Regione: Lombardia

  • N° Studenti: < 5.000

// TROVATI 6 MASTER [in 6 Sedi / Edizioni]


Master in Meccatronica & Management - MEMA

Il Master in Meccatronica & Management-MEMA, Full Time, finanziato, in partenza a giugno 2024, nasce dalla partnership con aziende leader dell’automazione per dare risposta a esigenze della nuova era dell’Industry 5.0 e della Digital Automation sviluppando un bagaglio adeguato di hard e soft skills.

Università LUM | LUM School of Management
  • Full time
  • 9 Mesi
  • Finanziato
  • In partenza Milano - Italia  - 17/giu/2024

Master in Made in Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management - MIFL

The Master MIFL, Made in Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management aims to develop high skills and a solid expertise in the main sectors where the Made in Italy’s brand is developed, with particular attention to the sectors of Fashion (clothing, footwear, leather goods, and jewelry) and Luxury.

Università LUM | LUM School of Management
  • Full time
  • 1500 Ore
  • Non dichiarato
  • Scadenza iscrizioni Milano - Italia  - 04/nov/2024

Master in Web Marketing, Social Strategy & UX Design

Il Master in WEB MARKETING, SOCIAL STRATEGY & UX DESIGN è finalizzato al raggiungimento delle conoscenze e competenze richieste per lavorare nel mondo digital.

Executive MBA - EMBA

L'Executive Master in Business Administration EMBA è un percorso d'eccellenza in general management, strutturato per rendere compatibili studio e lavoro. L'Executive MBA si rivolge a manager, imprenditori e liberi professionisti che vogliono accellerare la propria crescita professionale e personale.

Università LUM | LUM School of Management
  • Part time
  • 352 Ore
  • Non dichiarato
  • Scadenza iscrizioni Milano - Italia  - 20/set/2024

International Master in Business & Management - IMBM

The LUM-IÉSEG International Master in Business & Management - IMBM, is unique in the academic landscape, for content, learning methodology and an exceptional Faculty of international professors. It is an accelerator capable of widening professional offering important career opportunities.

Università LUM | LUM School of Management
  • Full time
  • 700 Ore
  • Non dichiarato
  • Scadenza iscrizioni Milano - Italia  - 16/set/2024

Master in Arts & Design Management - MADEM

MADEM, Master in Arts and Design Management is a program aimed to gain knowledge on governing new growth dynamics of creative and cultural enterprises while developing a sustainable and innovative logic. Students are provided with new skills and tools to be able to develop partnerships and business.

Università LUM | LUM School of Management
  • Full time
  • 1500 Ore
  • Non dichiarato
  • Milano - Italia

Master in International Business in China - MIBC

The Master in International Business in China -MIBC- intends to provide graduates with a comprehensive and critical understanding of key issues in international business and economic development, as well as valuable perspectives on China’s economies and multinationals.

Università LUM | LUM School of Management
  • Full time
  • 1500 Ore
  • Non dichiarato
  • Scadenza iscrizioni Milano - Italia  - 04/nov/2024